Junior Calypso Monarch Returns for Sugar Mas 51

After an absence of (2) two years, the Junior Calypso Monarch returns to the Carnival calendar. Thiscompetition started in 1973 and has been a staple during the annual celebrations. However, the showwas shelved due to a lack of participants and the Covid19 pandemic in recent years. With the return ofa full-fledged carnival program, the St […]
Kahnein Blanchette Represents St Kitts Nevis

First Runner Up in the National Carnival Queen Pageant, Kahnein Blanchette, will berepresenting St Kitts-Nevis in the upcoming 2022 Miss OECS Pageant to be held inDominica. This show takes place on Saturday 5th November at the Old Mill CulturalCenter. Due to the advent of the Covid19 pandemic, the Pageant which began in 1984was canceled in […]
Allister Williams Seconded to Sugar Mas 51

Mr. Allister Williams, former chairman of Carnival, has joined the Sugar Mas 51Secretariat as of October 3, 2022. Mr. Williams was seconded from the Ministry ofTourism, where he has served as Executive Director specializing in organizing theannual St Kitts Music Festival. The name Allister Williams has become indelibly imprinted on the growth anddevelopment of the […]