Date and Venue Change for National Swimwear Pageant

The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has announced a date andvenue change for the National Swimwear Pageant. This action was necessary due tologistical and operational changes put in place to ensure the successful staging of thePageant. The Pageant will now take place on Tuesday, December 27 at “Sugar MasWonderland”, Carnival Village. It is […]
FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. -Night 2

FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. -Night 2 Visit Event Page
FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. -Night 1

FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. -Night 1 Visit Event Page
The SKNNCC Assists Stakeholders to Ensure the Successful Staging of Sugar Mas 51

Despite the continued adverse impacts of Covid-19 on the global economic environment,the St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has greatly assisted variousstakeholders in order to ensure the successful staging of Sugar Mas 51. As the largestNational Event, Sugar Mas generates significant economic activity across several sectorsand the returns thus far have been phenomenal. The […]
FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. – PhotoBooth

FLOW Senior Calypso Elims. – PhotoBooth Visit Event Page
FLOW Jr. Calypso Finals

FLOW Jr. Calypso Finals Visit Event Page