Despite the continued adverse impacts of Covid-19 on the global economic environment,
the St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has greatly assisted various
stakeholders in order to ensure the successful staging of Sugar Mas 51. As the largest
National Event, Sugar Mas generates significant economic activity across several sectors
and the returns thus far have been phenomenal.
The SKNNCC is doing all in its power to assist Carnival participants and stakeholders
after two (2) years of limited activities for Sugar Mas 49 and 50, due to the COVID-19
pandemic. The beneficiaries of this assistance include Grand Parade Troupes, J’ouvert
Troupes, Music Bands, Private Event Promoters, Entertainers, Competitors for various
National Carnival Events, Vendors and Service Providers.
As road activities will resume after a two year hiatus, the SKNNCC has provided a
subvention to all registered Grand Parade Troupes to assist in the upfront costs
associated with the production of costumes. The SKNNCC has also taken on the financial
obligation of obtaining trailers, tractors, generators and drivers for all J’ouvert, Children’s
Carnival and Grand Parade Troupes.
In addition, the SKNNCC has successfully negotiated the return of registered Vendors to
the streets of downtown Basseterre for a 2 week period, from December 19th to January
3rd, to ensure that additional income is gained over Sugar Mas for these small business
men and women.
Over the National Carnival Period, all registered Carnival stakeholders are also granted
duty free concessions on purchases associated with Carnival, once the requisite
documents are presented to the National Carnival Committee and approved by the
Ministry of Finance.
SKNNCC chairperson Shannon Hawley stated, “Carnival is the largest national event,
and the economic spin-offs in multiple sectors, have already been realised since Sugar
Mas 51 opened on December 2”. She continued, “The goal of Sugar Mas is to ensure
entertainers and creatives are gainfully employed during the season as well as to ensure
that the domestic economy is boosted significantly over this four week period”.
Minister with responsibility for Carnival, Mr. Samal Duggins shares the same vision and
has thrown his full support behind the efforts of SKNNCC and all stakeholders.
Sugar Mas 51 is currently on the way and ends on January 2nd and 3rd with the Grand
Parade and Last Lap.