Dates for Sugar Mas 52 Released

The dates for Sugar Mas 52 were released on Monday, May 22, 2023 by the St. Kitts & NevisNational Carnival Committee. St. Kitts and Nevis will celebrate fifty-two (52) years of NationalCarnival in December 2023 to January 2024 and plans are afoot to ensure that Sugar Masremains the best Carnival in the region. Via all […]
St. Kitts & Nevis National Carnival Committee

The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has appointed Mr. Clement“Monarch” Ogarro as the new Director of Carnival, ushering in a new era of excitementand innovation. Mr. Ogarro is a celebrated figure in the carnival community, known for his remarkablefour (4) victories in the Junior Calypso competition and multiple selections as a finalist inthe […]
Senior Calypso Monarch Finalists shuffled as Lady Diva is Disqualified

On Friday 30th December 2022, The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee(SKNNCC) received a formal complaint from a finalist in the Flow Senior CalypsoMonarch Competition against Kimara “Lady Diva” Martin who placed second runner-upin the competition that was held on Thursday, December 29, 2022. The complainantclaimed that the song entitled “D Power of Black” sung […]
Record Prize Monies For Sugar Mas 51 Winners

On Friday, January 13, prize money will be handed out to the winners of Sugar Mas 51 at NationalCarnival’s Prize Giving Ceremony. The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) isslated to award over EC Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (EC$500,000) to the top-placing groups,individuals and participants in all competitions. Top placers include Troupe of the […]
The Grand Parade is Back

All Street Activities Results will be Announced LIVE on ZIZ (all platforms) at 1pm onTuesday 3 January 2023. No Parade in 2021, No parade in 2022! Words cannot express how happy we are that theGrand Parade IS BACK and with increased participation too. Folks, it will be a spectacle tobehold! The magic begins at 11AM […]
Remaining Carnival Shows Moved to Warner Park Cricket Stadium

The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has announced that all remainingCarnival shows will be held at the Warner Park Cricket Stadium. This was done in an effort tomaintain the high quality of the overall production of the shows. The new venue will host the National Carnival Swimwear Pageant on Tuesday, December 27th.the National […]
Wet Down Activities Canceled for Sugar Mas 51 due to extreme Water shortage

In light of the severe water shortage that St Kitts is currently experiencing, the St KittsNevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has taken the decision to eliminate all“Wet Down” activities customarily associated with J’ouvert, Grand Parade, and Last Lap. As a responsible entity, the SKNNCC supports the efforts of the St Kitts Water ServicesDepartment in preserving […]
The Republic of China (Taiwan) Signs on as Double Diamond Sponsor for
Sugar Mas 51

In an impressive ceremony on Monday 19 December, The Embassy of The Republic ofChina (Taiwan) was declared the Double Diamond sponsor of Sugar Mas 51.Ambassador Michael Chau-Horng Lin presented a cheque in the amount of EC$1.4Million to the Chairperson of the St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC),Shannon Hawley. This sponsorship to Sugar Mas 51 […]
Date and Venue Change for National Swimwear Pageant

The St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has announced a date andvenue change for the National Swimwear Pageant. This action was necessary due tologistical and operational changes put in place to ensure the successful staging of thePageant. The Pageant will now take place on Tuesday, December 27 at “Sugar MasWonderland”, Carnival Village. It is […]
The SKNNCC Assists Stakeholders to Ensure the Successful Staging of Sugar Mas 51

Despite the continued adverse impacts of Covid-19 on the global economic environment,the St Kitts Nevis National Carnival Committee (SKNNCC) has greatly assisted variousstakeholders in order to ensure the successful staging of Sugar Mas 51. As the largestNational Event, Sugar Mas generates significant economic activity across several sectorsand the returns thus far have been phenomenal. The […]